Monday, June 21, 2010

Updates To Keep You Informed

Hey Night Huntress RP fans!

We've been having a blast interacting with everyone in the twitterverse, but we want to clear up a few items which might be a little hazy to new fans.

(1) When we're goofing around, just hanging out, having a good time, we're playing in the universe that exists after book four, Destined for an Early Grave, and the companion book, First Drop of Crimson. Cat and Bones are married, Denise is with Spade, Ian's still a nasty perv, and Annette is, as always, a pain in the ass, etc. If you haven't heard of Kira, check out the first chapter of Mencheres's side story, Eternal Kiss of Darkness, posted on the author's official website.

(2) Starting shortly, we will begin reenacting the four amazing books of the Night Huntress series in weekly, or twice weekly, installments. During this time, RPers will not interact with other tweeters outside the scene. Feel free to tweet at them, but know they will not respond until the scene is closed.

(3)How will you know when the scenes are starting or ending? The very sexy @NHBk2Ch32 has volunteered to be our official narrator. Follow the blog for updates as to our acting schedule.

(4)Make sure you're following all of the characters! In the previous blog posting, there's a one click link to follow everyone. We suggest making a list for easy sorting of our tweets. Most of the characters have lists put together of the entire cast, so click around our twitter pages for more information.

Questions? Comments? E-mail us at

We're in the process of putting together our show for the first book in the series, Halfway to the Grave. Keep an eye on twitter and here on the official RP blog for updates!

We love our fans so much, our eyes glow green!! Thanks for playing!

~The Night Huntress RP Team